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We're All Cracked...

Updated: Jan 17, 2023

Dear Everyone:

A recent influx of new subscribers and site members served as a reminder that it's past time to reintroduce myself and our work at Lodestar.

So, in this week’s edition of Cereal With Hand Poured Milk – your weekly reminder that sometimes you just gotta figure out what can be half-assed without harm – I’ll give the brief rundown of my why.


The short story is that in 2014, a dear friend tricked me into attending a coach training intensive. A year later, coach-certified and starry-eyed, I founded Lodestar. I created our trademarked coaching paradigm because I saw my colleagues – including my physician husband – suffering in their chosen and beloved profession. Burnout, disengagement, attrition, and moral injury weren’t making many headlines at the time, and there was a pressing need for coaching methods that safely hold space for the strong emotions – and trauma – that so many healthcare professionals were carrying. And that was before the Tridemic…


As a physician, public health professional, medical educator, physician wife, and mama to four boys, I am acutely aware of the multiple pain points we’ve experienced this past year as we navigated the #Tridamic of COVID, violence, and isolation.

The chaos cracked systems that were long overburdened and strained. The harm – the trauma – can no longer be denied, and relief can no longer be delayed. Lodestar’s trauma-responsive coaching paradigm is beloved by clients – and coaches – because it works. In fact, it works so well that Lodestar now offers the only ICF accredited master class in trauma-mitigation coaching in the U.S.. So, whether you’re contemplating career change, are looking to unearth and deploy new personal or professional strategies, are hoping to rediscover your joy and passion and sense of humor, or need to learn, practice, and hone skills that will bring effective, compassionate leadership to your organization, Lodestar’s trauma-responsive coaching paradigm was developed specifically for you and for times such as these.


We often remind clients that coaching is not therapy. However, powerful, intuitive coaching can be incredibly therapeutic. When you’re ready, so are we. We are officially halfway through summer (it's true. I double checked) and past the midpoint in 2021. Now is the perfect time to make an essential commitment to yourself, your goals, and your dreams. Are you a coach looking to expand your skills and scope of practice? Lodestar is offering one final coach training opportunity starting in September 2021 – sign up today for one of our few remaining seats.


One final thinky-thought for the week: We're all cracked.

and Cracks are how the light gets in. Cracks are how our light gets out. Don’t wish away your cracks. With time and intention our wounds can be converted to sources of wisdom; our cracks can light the way for others.


Be safe. Laugh and connect with someone you miss – they miss you, too. Do something to nourish your soul. And, of course, #Hydrate. More soon, Dr. K


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